Welcome to my mapping portfolio!

Please explore the interactive and static maps that I have developed in the University of Kentucky's - Digital Mapping program. More info about myself, experience, and skills can be found at the bottom of the page.

UK Parcel Expansion Thumbnail Image

Experience the History and Expansion of UK Campus

The University of Kentucky campus is ever changing, it is interesting to see how the campus has grown since its founding in 1865. I hope this map engages users with the history of UK's campus and helps them gain a better understanding of how campus got to where it is today and where it may go in the future.

UK Building History Thumbnail Image

Campus Buildings through the Decades

Travel back through time and get a glimpse of the University of Kentucky (UK) campus. Use this map to explore building construction, acquisition, and historical trends in usage and campus planning.

Lexington Parks Thumbnail Image

Lexington Parks

This mobile interactive map displays parks and recreation areas in Lexington, Kentucky. Features are symbolized by park type. When you hover over a feature, you will find the parks name, type, address and size.

KY Toxic Release Thumbail Image

Kentucky Environmentally Hazardous Facilities

As a part of the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Program, the EPA collects annual reports from large facility sites around the United States. These reports contain information about the amount of toxic chemicals a facility has released into the environment. Use this interactive map to view the number of reported TRI sites within each Kentucky county.

Groundwater Sensitivity Thumbnail Image

Kentucky Groundwater Sensitivity and Mining Activity

Groundwater is susceptible to contamination from activities on the land surface, and once contaminated can be hard to restore. Groundwater sensitivity is determined by the ease of contaminants moving in the system. Levels range from 1 (low) to 5 (high), and is only accounting for naturally occurring hydrology patterns - not human based activities such as mining. This map is comparing groundwater sensitivity regions to locations of active mines in Kentucky.

Major Waterways of Georgia Thumbnail Image

Major Waterways of Georgia

Static map embedded within a webpage. Map shows the major waterways and urban areas of Georgia.

Central Park Map Thumbnail Image

Play, Eat, Walk Local! Assessment Of Central Park in Forsyth County, Georgia

Examine restaurant proximity to Central Park & Recreation Center in Forsyth County. Static map is embedded within a webpage showing key features of the park and a breakdown of findings.

Propaganda Thumbnail Image

Persuasive vs Propaganda Maps

This presentation shows examples of persuasive and propaganda maps. Also discusses the key differences between the two methods. Presentation slides were created using leaflet template.

About me

My name is Jessica Freeman. I graduated from the University of Georgia in 2013 with a BA in Anthropology and focus in Archaeology. In 2022, I completed the University of Kentucky's Master of Science (MS) in Digital Mapping program to increase my knowledge of custom web map development and coding capabilities. My first job position introduced me to GIS as an archaeological field technician with the Seminole Tribe of Florida’s - Tribal Historic Preservation Office. We used GIS for mapping archaeological sites, analyzing field conditions and likelihood of recovering archaeological evidence, and georeferencing of historic documents and aerial imagery.

I am currently employed at the University of Kentucky as a Technical Project Specialist I for ITS Information Services Geospatial group. My position focuses on project management, printable map development, web mapping solutions, creative solution and process development, along with various office support functions. My department works closely with other campus departments to maintain accurate datasets and standards for UK facilities. The favorite part of my job is research and design of GIS solutions for our clients. This can involve development of interactive web apps, mobile Field Map environments, Survey123 forms, and integrating these products to work seamlessly with each other to improve process efficiency and reduce manual data management.


Esri Products (ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online)
Web Mapping